Thursday, January 7, 2010

When I consider how my light was spent, I want to know that I did it myself.

Over the past year I have spent copious hours learning how to make things myself, completely homemade. Though I have not yet successfully dyed my own yarn (or spun it for that matter) I have advanced my knitting abilities dramatically. I have learned many techniques, including how to alter patterns to my fit own preferences. Recently, I just learned how to make my own dried onion/garlic powder, how to churn my own butter, and how to infuse vodka with my favorite flavors. While reflecting upon my new found skills, I wonder why these skills require spending hours on Google. Don’t get me wrong, I am wonderfully happy that Google exists to aid me in my new discoveries, but it is a shame that simple recipes, such as making homemade butter, has turned purely into a lesson of how to get the best package deal at the grocery store. Since I live in an apartment, I am unable to grow my own herbs, so I have to get my raw goods from an outside source anyway, but whenever I give someone a gift that I knit or offer them dinner with my own homemade foods, they are more grateful than I could ever imagine. And that is worth taking the extra step in making things just a little more homemade.


skazo said...

I was intrigued by the fact that you have read and loved A house for Mr. Biswas. I LOOOOVE that book.

wow i Loved your observation about making stuff, a gift of that sort shows the reciever that you cared enough to craft something specially for them. Its easy enough to go into the shops and buy stuff, but making is on a whole other level. I want to make a wollen doll for my baby,but i do not know how to knit. would love to learn though.
On Biswas, if you truly loved it then you will love a book called the death of vishnu,cant remember the name of the author except that he was this impossibly good looking asian guy, yummy!!!!

Heather said...

Thank you for you kind comments. I will definitely look onto the book that you recommended. As for knitting, you should check out the website it is all about knitting and there is also another website that shows you knitting techniques at Thanks again, and congratulations on the baby.